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All chapters can be found below.
Glaucoma: What Every Patient Should Know
Narrated by Dr. Harry Quigley and Dr. Mona Kaleem.
Chapter 1
Tell us about you
Chapter 2
What is Glaucoma?
Chapter 3
What are the types of glaucoma?
Chapter 4
How did you get glaucoma?
Chapter 5
Will you go blind?
Chapter 6
Can glaucoma be cured?
Chapter 7
What tests are needed to diagnose glaucoma?
Chapter 8
how can you help your family avoid glaucoma damage?
Chapter 9
Why isn't glaucoma either there or not there?
What makes you an open angle suspect?
Chapter 10
Why isn't glaucoma either there or not there?
What makes you an angle closure suspect?
Chapter 11
ANgle closure crisis
Chapter 12
Why do people with 'normal' eye pressure still get glaucoma?
Chapter 13
What treatments are the right ones?
Drops, lasers, scissors
Chapter 14
What is the target eye pressure?
Chapter 15
How to succeed at eye Drop Treatment
It’s all in your hands
Chapter 16
GLaucoma eye drops
Choices, choices
Chapter 17
Laser Glaucoma Surgery
Iridotomy and angle treatment